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Sunday, 8 September 2013

Font color

HTML Font color

Format of color number is RRGGBB.
Each color is a combination of three main colors: Red,Green and Blue.
In color format ,RR represents for red ,GG is for green and BB is for blue
component. Colors are described in hexadecimal (hex) code.Hex codes always start with a # sign.
Two digit hexadecimal number can be anything between 00 to FF i.e.
0 to 255 in decimal format.
We can change text color by changing color number.

Example: 1

<title>Font Color</title>
<font color="#ff0000">This text is red color.</font><br>
<font color="#00ff00">This text is green color.</font><br>
<font color="#0000ff">This text is blue color.</font><br>


This text is red color.
This text is green color.
This text is blue color.