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Sunday 8 September 2013

Iframe Tutorial

HTML Iframe Tutorial

iframe element stands for inline frame.
iframe element uses as a target frame for a Link.
iframe element is used to display a web page within a web page.
The target attribute of a link must refer to the name attribute of the iframe.

<iframe src="URL" width="px" height="px"></iframe>

src="(URL of initial iframe content)"
name="(name of frame, required for targeting)"
longdesc="(link to long description)"
width=(frame width)
height=(frame height)
align=[ top | middle | bottom | left | right | center ] (frame alignment, pick two, use comma)
frameborder=[ 1 | 0 ] (frame border, default is 1)
marginwidth=(margin width, in pixels)
marginheight=(margin height, in pixels)
scrolling=[ yes | no | auto ] (ability to scroll)

src attribute provides the location of the frame content, typically an HTML document.
The URL points to the location of the separate page.
The height and width attributes are used to specify the height and width of the iframe.

The frameborder attribute specifies whether or not to display a border around the iframe. The default value is 1 results a border.
The value "0" removes or suppresses the border.

The scrolling attribute specifies whether or not to display a  scrollbars  around the iframe.
The default value is auto results scrollbars only when necessary.
The value yes provides scrollbars at all times, and the value no removes or suppresses the scrollbars.

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